Imagining God When Praying to God

Dave Kwiecinski
2 min readMay 7, 2020


Do you ever find yourself praying to God as you gaze at an image of Jesus? And then that same prayer mentions Jesus? And then your mind wanders. And you wonder what image should I have in my head when I pray to God, or when I pray to Jesus, or when I pray to the Holy Spirit?

I do. ALL the time.

And then in yesterday’s Gospel, Tuesday of the Fourth Week of Easter, the question was answered. Simply. Plainly.

One short sentence.


In the early middle chapters of the Gospel of John, Jesus asserts His divinity. His words confuse the Jews and Pharisees and cause them to argue with each other.

At the end of chapter 10, after the Good Shepherd discourse, they ask Him again to state plainly, "are you the Messiah?"

So Jesus tells them again:

I speak to you, and you do not believe... (John 10:25) do not believe, because you are not of my sheep. (John 10:26)

My sheep hear my voice: and I know them, and they follow me. (John 10:27)

And then that one sentence that sums it all up:

The Father and I are one. (John 10:30)

That’s it!

Prefer to listen? Here you go…

All the images of God the Father and God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, those images that blend the Three figures, are beautiful. And they remind us of the mystery of the Trinity.

But when we look at the Father, we look at the Son. When we look at the Son, we look at the Holy Spirit. And likewise, when we look at any image of any one of them, we look at all Three. They’re One.

So when I’m looking at my beautiful image of Jesus, the image with the inscription "My God, my Mercy," that I’ve had since I was a little boy, I’m looking at God the Father, I’m looking at God the Holy Spirit. So, just a quick reminder that it really doesn’t matter the image. They’re one in the same.

God, the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost (Holy Spirit), the Holy Trinity.

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Dave Kwiecinski

ferociously Catholic… inspirational storyteller... fiscal, physical, and eternal fitness trainer. Stay in shape for this life and the next: