Flesh and Blood

Dave Kwiecinski
2 min readFeb 17, 2020


I really did plan to write more about pre-op preparation. Really. But truth be told, I’ve been consumed this weekend with thoughts on mortality. And that, in itself, is exhausting.

So instead, I offer you some thoughts on Jesus, His sacrifice, and His gift to you.


Contemplate the Eucharist. What is it, really? Contemplate the timing of Jesus offering the disciples His Body and Blood at the Last Supper. What followed immediately? His suffering and death.

Contemplate Him hanging on the cross. Note carefully and prayerfully the juxtaposition between these two gloriously sorrowful acts.

Remember John chapter 6. "If you do not eat My Flesh and drink My Blood, you shall not have life within you." Was Jesus just joshin'? Or was He revealing another Truth?

Why would that be metaphor? What makes that passage distinct from other teachings?

Why did Jesus ask "is this too hard for you?"

Why did this teaching cause so many to separate from Him?

Because He was just joshin'?

Why would He allow that?

Read that again.

Why would He allow that? Particularly if He is Love and Mercy itself.

Go to Holy Communion today or tomorrow if you are a practicing Catholic in the state of grace! If you’re not... if you can’t... at the very least make a Spiritual Communion.

Want help? Ask me. I’ll point you to some excellent prayers for a Spiritual Communion.


Have to be at the hospital by 5:15. It’s about an hour’s drive. That means I need to be up by 3:15, maybe 3 to be on the safe side.

That’s six hours from now. Better think about getting some sleep. And make sure I have whatever I need packed and ready to go.



Dave Kwiecinski

ferociously Catholic… inspirational storyteller... fiscal, physical, and eternal fitness trainer. Stay in shape for this life and the next: davekwiecinski.com